"Noah ... the hero of the biblical Flood story in the...book of Genesis."
"The story ... has close affinities to Babylonian traditions of apocalyptic floods."
Chinese River Flood
"The flood on Asia’s third-longest river ... matches tales of a 'Great Flood'
that marks the start of Chinese civilization with the Xia dynasty."
Aboriginal Peoples - Australia
"The Rainbow Serpent is ... the giver of life, due to its connection to water,
however it can be a destructive force if enraged."
"a woman in Greek mythology [was] cursed to utter
true prophecies, but never to be believed."
Japanese/Mongol Storms
"the kamikaze, or 'divine wind,' that twice saved Japan from Kublai Khan's Mongol fleets..."
Native American (When Raven Was Killed)
"They went to the river, but it was dry. They went to a lake, but it was empty.
There was no water to be found! Then the people began to get thirsty."
Easter Island
"The island’s fragile ecosystem had been pushed beyond what was sustainable."
Egypt/Eastern Mediterranean
Causes of "the cataclysm: the invasion of ancient Egypt in 1177 BCE by ... 'SeaPeoples'
... plus climate change, famines, droughts, rebellions, earthquakes."
Greenland Vikings
"their way of life would have been impossible to maintain.
... essentially victims of globalization and a pandemic."
"The decline of ... the enigmatic Indus Valley Civilization"
has been attributed to long-term drought.
"Waters came, covered his farm, and threatened to cover the whole earth."
Courlander, Harold. A Treasury of African Folklore, Marlowe and Company, New York, 1996.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
“the four riders are often seen as symbolizing … Pestilence … War, Famine, and Death.”