There’s not much good news in this weather report, but if you're worried about human extinction -
it’s not happening.
Civilization may be at risk of collapse, but it won't happen any time soon ... hopefully.
Focus on the present.
Local pollutants cause misery currently, as well as congregating in the upper atmosphere.
So why not reverse course, starting right now?
The forecast is bad enough without overstating the consequences. Here’s what to expect:
“High temperature ... hazards” - meaning heat so hot airports get closed.
The melting of “a million tonnes of ice ... every minute”.
"Wildfires in the Arctic Circle."
A "plague of rodents"; "Swarms of locusts"; "Hundreds of scorpion stings".
Tennis players ... collapsing on live TV, "unable to breathe properly" due to polluted, smoky air.
The above items were easy to "predict" because they've already happened.
Governments can collapse following crop failures. Famines have been an ugly reality for too many.
In 2010 - 2011, wheat harvests declined due to drought and floods.
Subsequent shortages sparked the upheaval known as the "Arab Spring".
“Water scarcity [leads to] populations competing with farming and industry.”
“Increasing heat, aridity, and sea-level rise will drive ... poverty and hunger.”
“When people are starving, they are more vulnerable to bacteria and viruses.”
Another problem: electricity for needed air conditioning can come from burning fossil-fuels.
“Air-conditioning ... [uses] huge amounts of electricity." "When [it] goes out on a hot day, people die.”
Drought-caused “low water levels ... limit ... [electricity from] hydroelectric power plants.”
Cooling "systems [of] 10 years ago are not able to keep up with the" increases in heat.
The wondrous ability of oceans and forests to "digest" CO2 is going bad.
“The...Amazon released ... more carbon dioxide ... over the last decade than it absorbed.”
The Arctic has become "a net carbon dioxide emitter" for the first time. ​
Oil producers can read the writing on the wall. What are they thinking?
Oil company scientists have known about the greenhouse problem since the 1970's/80's.
They'll stick with the same old tactics: Deny, Delay, Dispute, Depose, Debate, Debase, Distract, etc.
“Oil and gas and petro-chemical industries ... are working to dramatically expand ... production.”
“Industry execs ... see their savior as plastics.” ​
Join the boycott. Please.