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 Fantasy Business Story





 Ancient Tales 



Weather Words â€‹


 Events Timeline â€‹

"Ngicuelela - Es Una Historia - I Am Singing"


I am singing of tomorrow

I am singing of love

I am singing someday love will reign

Throughout this world of ours

I am singing of love from my heart

 “Globally, some of the most impressive environmental achievements have come via boycotts.” 


 "Harsh working conditions, environmental pollution and the overuse of packaging are some of the issues." 

“A boycott can send a message about a company’s leadership to its shareholders.”


  Boycott advice:

 Starting a Boycott, 

 Boycott Organizer's Guide, 

 Organizing a Boycott 

mypollutionsolutions/boycottpollution photo attribution:

Media from Wix;  my own;  under a Creative Commons license;  used with permission;  courtesy of the U.S.

E.P.A., N.O.A.A., D.O.D., or N.A.S.A.;

thanks to Unsplash; or from Wikipedia/Wikimedia


Video via: Media from Wix. 


Graphs, Charts: Our World in Data -

Published in Our World in Data / Online; 

or from the U.S. N.O.A.A., or E.P.A.;

or courtesy of the U.N. Intergovernmental

Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)


No copyright infringement is intended.


 Appreciation Time! 


 BIG Thank-you's to: Stephanie, D.S.R.T., George, Pria, 

 Bill, Debbie, Alex, Jocelyn, John, Matt, Joel, Kevin, Pat, 

 Kofi, Gwyn, Paula, Ezster, Peggy, Rafael, Kaki, Deb, Rachel,

 Diquan, Tara, Bob, Susan, Walter, Nancy, Terry, Jeanne, David,

 Cyndi, Jim, Molly, Bob, Janet, Tom, Tessa, Esperanza, and ... Allan 


less pollution  =  fewer deaths




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