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Frequently Asked Questions

 'What if I can't do all the pollution Solutions?' 


 Everyone creates some pollution.  Cut out as much as you can, as soon as you can. 

 Visit the pollution calculators page.  Tackle the big stuff first. 


 Meanwhile, remember to appreciate the wonders of the world we've been blessed with. 

 'What about the corporations?' 


 100 organizations "have accounted for more than 71 percent of all global ghg emissions since 1988." 

 When business leaders talk to investors, they speak of consumer 'demand' as a guide to how much profit the   company is expecting.  'Demand' means how much money you give them - by spending $ on their products. 


 "We need to stand up to fossil fuel companies, and the stock markets that support them." 


 "When you purchase something from a company, you are ... [telling them] to continue doing what [they’re] doing." 

 'How much pollution do I make compared to others?' 


 The typical African resident creates, on average, maybe 4 tons of ghg pollution per year. 

 The average European, or Japanese, citizen generates about double that;  the average American - double again


 The biggest citizen polluters (per capita, by nationality) are in Australia, Saudi Arabia, the USA and Canada


 "Carbon Footprint Of Best Conserving Americans 

 Is Still Double Global Average." 

 Has our government done anything? 


 Yes.  The U.S.A. I.R.A. committed   federal funds to assist businesses and   households when making   expenditures  for non-polluting   projects or products. 


 But YOU have to initiate the purchase


 See the Solutions page. 


 'How much will it cost?' 


 Some Solutions are free; some aren't.  Do what you can do. 


 It doesn't cost money to quit eating beef, or to stop flying.  To get cash for an electric car, 

 sell your gasoline car.  You know how much you can afford.  

 'Have any climate scientists tried to do something like this?' 


 - Kevin Anderson:  "Hopefully ... people [will] say, 'We ... can make those sorts of changes'.” 


 - Kimberly Nicholas:  "Nicholas has ... cut her air travel emissions by 90 percent ... She has also stopped eating   meat and gone car-free ... she [wrote] a paper on individual behavioral changes." 


 - Peter Kalmus:  " I took the conveniences of modern ... life for granted ... the cheap airplane flights, [etc.]." â€‹

 'If polysilicon for some solar panels is made in Chinese concentration camps, and cobalt for some EV batteries 

 is being mined by hand by children in the Congo, how are the Solutions supposed to help?' 


 Look Beyond the Boycott.  Individuals, individually, are not going to do the trick.  Churches, communities, and other   groups have to take part.  Help make it happen.  No more "goals", "road-maps", or "by 2050 targets". 


 Use your own boycott success as a way to spread the enthusiasm. 

 Individuals can't ban polysilicon products from Xinjiang, or revamp the electric grid, but governments can. 

 Corporations may respond to public pressure.  Some have started making EV batteries with no cobalt, for example. 


 The way Solutions can influence neighbors or elected leaders is similar to voting.  Lots of votes lead to changes. 

 Get out and motivate people just like you would for an election! 

 When others see, or hear about, what you're doing, they'll notice - especially people who trust you


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 'Doesn't industry make a lot of pollution?' 


 Yes.  Currently, renewable energy can't replace certain manufacturing processes, i.e., for making "cement, steel, plastics, and ammonia" ... which is all the more reason to eliminate the pollution we have alternatives for! 


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