The most important thing about an advocacy letter is that you send it. If keeping the message, very short will help you get the thing sent off, then keep it very short. Whatever helps you get it done and delivered is what you should focus on.
Political, media, or corporate people often count the number of communications (pro vs con) they receive, more than they inspect the writer's language. However, they may pay attention more closely if you include personal details, in contrast to a generic-style letter. If you don't have much time, copy and paste a generic type letter, AND add a quick personal touch at the beginning or end.
Please feel free to copy & paste, or edit from the samples below. Thank them for the work they do, or for listening to you.
Sample Letters
Dear friends and family,
I hope you've been well. As you know, I love clean water, clean air, and good public health.
I'm tired of the weather getting gradually worse (due to rising global temperatures) caused by pollution accumulating up in the atmosphere.
And did you know that thousands of people die daily from ground-level pollution?!?
Also, I hate to spend money that increases the bank accounts of fossil-fueled warlords or petro-state dictators.
Fortunately, I've heard about a new way of addressing these problems: a “boycott” of pollution.
I’ve decided to join this boycott movement, and I'm hoping you'll help me. To quit my “addiction” to pollution, I'm making changes in my life. Stopping flying is one example, not eating beef is another.
Some of these changes are simple, and some take time and money, but I've made a commitment, and I'd like you to hold me to it. Here’s how: call, text, or email me and encourage me to stick with it. Then follow up in a couple of months to find out how it's going.
The details are all spelled out at:
This might sound strange, or long overdue, but whatever your reaction, I’d appreciate you looking into it and letting me know what you think.
Thanks so much,
Dear SFERS Commissioners,
- Please divest from organizations connected to Russian oil or gas
- Please divest from pollution-producing fossil-fuel companies
- Please divest from murderous dictators
- Please divest from all of the above
Thank you,
Dear Senator Feinstein
I'm writing regarding your position on the Green New Deal. It's my understanding that you have decided not to be a co-sponsor. This is disappointing, Senator.
I must apologize for being critical, but I'm afraid the Senate has done next to nothing to prevent death and destruction caused by air pollution that we (Americans, per capita, are among the biggest emitters) continue to create.
I'm sure you're aware of recent warnings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. IPCC scientists are overseen by national leaders, from nations such as Saudi Arabia, the USA (with Pres. Trump), Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, etc. It shouldn’t be a surprise that IPCC reports have consistently under-reported likely dire consequences.
Global pollution rates are as high as ever, despite IPCC warnings about what may be headed in our direction: famine, resource wars, climate refugees, or even a collapse of financial systems.
In light of this, shouldn't the Green New Deal proposal be considered much too little, much too late?
If reading real stories about real people would be helpful, please do an internet search for how Houston Police Officer Steve Perez died during Hurricane Harvey, or what happened to Melody Bledsoe and her two great-grandchildren, Emily and James, in Redding during the Carr fire.
Shortly before he died a few years ago, well-known neurologist Oliver Sachs wrote the following about the future and a potential atmospheric apocalypse: “we can surely pull the world through its present crises and lead the way to a happier time ahead. As I face my own impending departure...I have to believe in this—that mankind and our planet will survive, that life will continue, and that this will not be our final hour.”
Thank you for reading my email.
Dear Friends at the Bay Area Air Quality Management District,
If there is one thing we can gain from this pandemic, it's to continue on the path of carbon pollution reduction that we have started under shelter in place. By making some of the changes we've adopted into permanent adaptations to our habits and work patterns, we can improve the health of our communities and increase our chances of pushing back the climate crisis which looms even bigger than COVID 19.
I strongly support your "Clean Air Tele-commute Challenge" and urge you to encourage private businesses to continue the practice of working from home wherever possible.
Thank you for your work,
Reduce Pollution and support Worker Safety!
Encourage employers to support those workers who wish to continue working from home!
- cuts down on emissions from cars
- promotes safety for those who can work from home
- promotes safety for those who must commute and work on site
(transit and workplaces less crowded)
- helps us all with cleaner air and a way to tackle climate change
So please support the Clean Air Telecommute Challenge,
spearheaded by…
All counties, all communities need this!
As a teacher, I of course am familiar with keeping our children inside on "Spare the Air Days" because it is considered dangerous. However it is only recently that I actually have come to understand the true danger lurking in our Bay Area air ALL THE TIME!.
The toxic brew of chemicals which compose automobile exhaust (benzene, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, etc.), create pulmonary problems like emphysema, asthma, or cardiovascular symptoms. Between 4 to 7 million deaths per year are due to dirty air. In addition, due to the accumulation of pollution in the atmosphere, weather patterns are forecast to worsen for as long as we live.
Fortunately, Santa Clara County Supervisors are trying to persuade employers to make potentially gigantic pollution reductions by having as many employees as possible work from home on a regular basis. Unfortunately, they’ve gotten little notice/appreciation so far.
That’s why I'm asking for your assistance. Despite these difficult times, both with the Covid-19 crisis and the recession, planning for long-term tele-commuting must be done before (how many thousands of?) employees head back to their commute cars as the economic shut-down ends.
More than 4 tons of toxic emissions - per commuter / per year - come out of car tail pipes. If you can get employers to continue with current remote work...imagine the calculations!
I encourage you to take action to promote the "Clean Air Telecommute Challenge”.
For your information, here is the link for an article from…
Thank you so very much and sincerely,
March 20, 2020
Manager, ...
Wells Fargo Bank
I am writing to ask you to do all you can to help convince Wells Fargo management to STOP FUNDING FOSSIL FUEL EXTRACTION AND PRODUCTION PROJECTS.
Humanity needs to develop and use only renewable, sustainable energy to preserve our planet. Please encourage your management team to find ways to divest from dirty energy and invest in clean energy.
Wells Fargo has a great opportunity to become a public hero by declaring itself to be the nation's first major "clean energy" bank.
...has the ear of many of your retail clients locally. We will keep them apprised of your responses to us.
Thank-you for helping to sustain important economic infrastructures during this critical time in history. We will be watching the decisions you make as you steer Wells Fargo into a very new economy.
Dear Representative ...[INSERT NAME HERE!]...,
The State Department has labeled China's campaign of ethnic cleansing against Uyghur Muslims to be a "genocide". The main component of photo-voltaic solar panels, polysilicon, is made in Xinjiang province by detainees in Uyghur concentration camps. They are forced to work with toxic solvents during this process. Since the cost achieved by using "slave" labor is so low, these communist-connected organizations have been able to bankrupt their more ethical international competitors.
The U.S. Customs and Border Protection has decided to implement a Withhold Release Order against one the companies, which is a small step in the right direction.
However, we are writing to beg you to lead an effort to have the CBP institute a ban on imports of polysilicon from ALL entities in Xinjiang!
It doesn't take long to do a search confirming the unnecessary and heart-breaking level of suffering being inflicted on the Uyghur citizens of China. You can start here:
I'm sure you are aware of the importance of solar panels in creating a healthy economic transition to a future with minimal amounts of atmospheric pollution. Please help stop human-rights abusers from taking advantage of the world's desire for breathable air and a cleaner climate!
There's no time to waste.
Thank you most sincerely,
Message Subject: GREEN NEW DEAL
Message Text:
Dear Congresswoman ..., Earlier this week, some of your colleagues spoke about sponsoring a proposal to dramatically reduce air pollution. I'd like to encourage you to do MORE to come up with solutions for this problem.
I must apologize for being critical, but I'm afraid the Congress has done next to nothing to prevent the death and destruction caused by air pollution - that we (Americans, per capita, are among the biggest emitters) continue to create.
I'm sure you're aware of recent warnings by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. IPCC scientists are overseen by national leaders, from nations such as Saudi Arabia, the USA (with Pres. Trump), Russia, Iran, Venezuela, Iraq, etc. It shouldn’t be a surprise that IPCC reports have consistently under-reported likely emission amounts and dire consequences (based upon previous report predictions when compared to real-life developments).
Yet global pollution rates are as high as ever, despite the IPCC warnings!
Congresswoman ..., I've observed that you have done much to help many in your career in government. I'm hoping you'll, once again, help others take powerful action to tackle this world-wide pollution problem. Mere words are no longer enough.
Thank you so very much,
Dear Bay Area Air Quality Management District,
I strongly support your Clean Air Tele-commute Challenge. I'd like you to encourage private businesses to continue with remote work for as long as possible!
Thank you very much,
PS - "Many climate researchers are optimistic that this deadly pandemic has taught governments some critical lessons…{re} rising {atmospheric} temperatures."
Dear Bay Area Air Quality Management District Directors,
Despite the tragedy of the Covid crisis, I'm hoping something positive can come out of all of this: the Clean Air Tele-commute Challenge. Please put more effort into promoting this plan with state and local governments!
Cleaner air and less traffic - at no cost - let's make it happen before workers get back into their old cars and habits.
ps: "The biggest raw drop in emissions came from surface transportation, which fell by 36%, or 7.5 million metric tons."
Dear BAAQMD Directors,
Thank you for your fabulous proposal for a “clean air telecommute challenge”. We’ve been gifted with a rare opportunity to save many lives, IF employees, businesses, governments, etc. can continue with their current working from home arrangements!
If remote work can continue on this current scale, and if the BAAQMD could spur action in other locales, then we could see massive reductions in the VMT targeted by SB375.
Other benefits of a clean air telecommute challenge:
Clean air
Less traffic
Better health
Employer savings
Lower housing costs
Global (climate) cooling
More free time for employees
Less death and injury due to auto accidents
With gratitude,
The toxic brew of chemicals which compose automobile exhaust (benzene, sulphur dioxide, formaldehyde, etc.), create pulmonary problems like emphysema, asthma, or cardiovascular symptoms. Between 4 to 7 million deaths per year are due to dirty air. In addition, due to the accumulation of pollution in the atmosphere, weather patterns are forecast to worsen for as long as we live.
Fortunately, Santa Clara County Supervisors are trying to persuade employers to make potentially gigantic pollution reductions by having as many employees as possible work from home indefinitely. Unfortunately, they’ve gotten little notice/appreciation so far.
That’s why I'm asking for your assistance. Despite these difficult times, both with the Covid-19 crisis and the recession, planning for long-term tele-commuting must be done before (how many thousands of?) employees head back to their commute cars as the economic shut-down ends.
More than 4 tons of toxic emissions - per commuter / per year - come out of car tail pipes. If you can get employers to continue with current remote work...imagine the calculations!
Can you help somehow? Anything you can do to promote the Clean Air Telecommute Challenge” would be fantastic.
Thank you so very much,
Included: an article from the San Jose Mercury News
Dear BAAQMD Board of Directors,
On May 5th, Supervisor ... presented a referral to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors asking the County to look into ways to retain remote work options for County employees permanently. We request that you ask your city/county to pass a similar referral!
This is a real opportunity to help the environment and Bay Area employees by analyzing how remote work has been successful over the past couple of months and analyzing ways to incorporate these successes into regular practice (post Covid-19).
Government is one of the largest employers throughout the Bay Area and a commitment from all of the area’s public agencies to vastly increase the number of municipal employees who have commute-free work days will significantly reduce toxic air pollution, traffic congestion, and traffic accidents.
Following is a summary of the referral that the Board of Supervisors unanimously approved on May 5, 2020:
A. Approve referral to Administration to include an analysis and recommendations relating to expanded telecommuting of County employees post-COVID-19.
B. Approve referral to Administration to report to the Board of Supervisors on August 11, 2020 relating to which County departments have been the most successful with telecommuting practices, and a workplan 1) to analyze and expand telecommuting for employees, and 2) to develop revisions to guidelines to track and monitor the benefits, measures of success, and costs of telecommuting.
C. Approve referral to Administration to request the Office of Sustainability report to the Board of Supervisors on August 11, 2020 with a framework to estimate the potential impacts of increased telecommuting on the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other harmful climate impacts.
D. Approve referral to Administration to collaborate with the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) on a Clean Air Telecommute Challenge for large employers with 50 or more employees, as defined by the BAAQMD Commuter Benefits Program, to help improve the Bay Area's air quality.
E. Approve referral to Administration to collaborate with and support as appropriate efforts by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC), the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA), Caltrain, Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission (BCDC), other government entities, the labor community, the Silicon Valley Leadership Group (SVLG), Joint Venture Silicon Valley, and other interested stakeholders to expand telecommuting options and to help transition public and private employees who are unable to telecommute to return to their respective workplaces with the support of public transportation.
Please join this effort to help the environment and increase employee work-life balance by agreeing to ask your city/county to increase commute-free work for its employees past Covid-19!